Welcome to the Compass Group Pension Plan section for pensioner members
This is the dedicated section for pensioner members of the Compass Group Pension Plan - Compass’s defined benefit pension arrangement.

About the Plan
Read about how the Plan works, including information on pension increases.
How the Plan worksStay updated
You can stay updated on important news and information by visiting our noticeboard.
Go to the NoticeboardYour XPS member portal
You can access details regarding your pension and update your personal information by logging in to the XPS member portal.
Log into my XPS member portalUseful documents
You can find useful documents relating to the Plan including important documents from the Trustees such as the Chair‘s Statement and your latest newsletters.
Find a documentStay scam smart
It’s important that you stay alert when it comes to pension scams. Read more about what to look out for when it comes to scams in our helpful scams article.
Stay scam smartMeet the Trustees
The Plan is managed by a Board of Trustees whose main responsibilities are to ensure that the Plan is run in accordance with the Trust Deed and Rules and pensions legislation, in the best interests of all members and is able to pay benefits when they are due.
Meet the Trustees